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(High School Admissions)
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SSAT Private School admissions exam

When you need to make a strong case for admission to private school, take full advantage of the opportunity. The SSAT score is one of the most critical aspects of the private school admission process. It is offered eight times per year, though most students take the test in November, December, or January. Chyten recommends taking the SSAT once in the summer and then at least twice during the academic year before you submit your applications.

The SSAT is administered by the Secondary School Admission Test Board. It has an Upper level test for students in 8th through 11th grade, a Middle level test for 5th through 7th graders and an Elementary level SSAT for 3rd and 4th graders applying for admission to grades 4 and 5.

Thousands of students have dramatically improved their SSAT scores using our proprietary methods and strategies. To accomplish this we recommend 24-36 hours of preparation for the SSAT exam. These private tutoring services provide customized solutions based on your individual strengths and challenges.

filling in the testing bubbles

ISEE private school admissions exam

Private schools want the highest-quality students they can find, and there are only so many metrics available by which to measure. While interviews and essays are important, the discussion begins—or ends—with test scores and grades. The higher your grade point average, the higher your likelihood of acceptance.

The same is true of your standardized test scores. Most schools tell you which exam they prefer. In other cases, you’ll be given the choice of taking the ISEE or the SSAT. Choosing the right exam requires a deep understanding of what is tested and how the questions are presented. Chyten can help you with this important decision.

The ISEE is offered eight times per year. Students can take the ISEE once during each of three testing windows: fall (August–November), winter (December–March), and spring/summer (April–July)—up to three times in a 12-month admission cycle.

Since you can choose which scores are sent to prospective schools, taking the test more than one time is a no-lose strategy. Chyten recommends taking the test in July, November, and December during the year in which you will be applying to private school.

Personalized ISEE instruction at Chyten is centered around Chyten’s proprietary strategies. Typically, Chyten recommends 24 – 36 hours of private tutoring for comprehensive ISEE test preparation.

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