AP Exams
Advanced Placement courses and exams
The term AP, or Advanced Placement, is commonly used to refer to both AP courses and AP tests. You can take as many AP courses and tests as you wish, though your high school may have some restrictions of which you should be aware. Many schools offer challenging non-AP courses that may still prepare you for AP tests. You are also allowed to self-study, or to study outside of school in order to take AP tests on your own.
When you sign up for AP courses, you show colleges that you are not afraid of a challenge and that you care enough about your education to select the most rigorous programs possible.
Colleges typically consider AP classes as part of a rigorous and challenging curriculum, which is a major factor in determining admission. Unlike other tests such as the SAT and ACT, you only have one chance to do well on your AP exams, so proper scheduling and preparation are crucial.
AP Tutoring at Chyten
Chyten offers support for both AP courses and AP tests. AP class tutoring is typically done over an entire school year, though it also can be done over a short period such as when challenging assignments come up. AP test prep typically runs for two months, though that time frame can vary based on individual needs.
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