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Practice Tests

reaction to a great score

SAT/ACT Comparison Test

Which test is better for you?

Chyten has developed a single diagnostic test that uses a proprietary algorithm to accurately diagnose your relative performance on the ACT and the SAT. Our ACT vs. SAT Comparison Test compresses all components of the ACT and the SAT into a single test. It is accompanied by a highly detailed diagnostic report which provides performance analysis on every type and category of ACT and SAT question, including detailed analytics on testing trends and habits, and gives a recommendation on which test is more likely to maximize your test scores.

ACT Actual Conditions Practice Test

How does taking ACT practice tests help?

Taking practice ACT tests can give you a feel for a test that is dramatically different from the SAT. The ACT includes a science section, allows for less time per question and requires different criteria on the essay portion. For some, the ACT format can be smooth sailing, while for others it’s a stressful experience. Take the time to learn whether this test is right for you by taking the Chyten Real Conditions ACT practice test.

Our tutoring series and group classes offer multiple practice opportunities. However we also offer an a la carte option for students who are not yet enrolled. Our academic directors can schedule your practice test in person or by phone.

SAT Actual Conditions Practice Test

Practice makes perfect

Taking practice tests is a great way to boost skills and test new strategies, as well as to identify the types of questions you’re comfortable with and those on which you need more help. You can also work on pacing, practice your guessing strategies, and fine-tune your analytical skills.

While you can accomplish some of these same things by taking tests in a book or even online, taking tests under real conditions and having your results reviewed by one of our experts helps analyze your progress while desensitizing you to the testing process.

Our tutoring series and group classes offer multiple practice opportunities. However we also offer an a la carte option for students who are not yet enrolled. Call us today to schedule your practice test at any one of our centers.

SSAT/ISEE – Actual Conditions Diagnostic

Which test is better for you?

Chyten has developed a proprietary algorithm to accurately diagnose a student’s performance on either the SSAT or ISEE. Sign up for SSAT/ISEE Actual Conditions Testing and we’ll proctor the test under test-like conditions, produce an item-analysis feedback report, and provide a consultation through which we’ll analyze the results.

Start here.

Call one of our academic advisors to schedule your diagnostic test. It’s a great first step toward achieving the best test scores possible.

Call one of our academic advisors to schedule your comparison test.

It’s a great first step toward achieving the best test scores possible.

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